



        丧失:    lose; forfeit; be deprived o ...
        :    counterpoise; weight power; ...
        没收物业权;丧失物业权:    forfeiture of property right
        丧失物业的管有权:    dispossession from property
        没收物业权:    forfeiture of property right
        物业业权:    title to property
        丧失物质形态:    dematerialize
        共同业权;共同拥有物业权;共有业权:    co-ownership
        失物:    lost article; lost property 寻找失物 look for lost articles; 失物招领处 lost and found office; lost property office; 失物追查单[人] cargo tracer
        业权:    ownership; title
        物业:    agreement premise; kfs; property; real estate; tenement
        丧失:    lose; forfeit; be deprived of 丧失会员资格 forfeit one's membership; 丧失记忆 lose memory; 丧失立场 depart from the correct stand; 丧失国格 lose one's national dignity; 丧失人格 lose one's personal dignity; 丧失人心 forfeit popular support; thoroughly discredited among the people; become unpopular; lose all popular support; 丧失原则 depart from principle; forfeit [lose] principle; 丧失警惕 lower one's guard; be off one's guard; 丧失劳动力 disability; 丧失理智 lose one's nerve; 丧失时机 miss the opportunity [chance]; let slip a good opportunity; 丧失信心 lose confidence; 丧失信用 play the bankrupt; 这件意外事故使他丧失了生命。 the accident deprived him of his life
        失物箱:    lucky bag
        失物者:    loser
        损失物:    loser
        遗失物:    lost property; lost things; otoshimono
        认领失物:    claim a lost article
        失物归主:    return things lost to their owner(s)
        失物相符:    identity of lost goods
        失物招领:    advertise for the owner of a lost thing; articles found, owner please contact
        失物招领处:    lost and found counter; lost and found office; lost and found room; lost property office; lost- and- found offices; lost-and-found office
        失物追查单:    cargo tracer
        失物追查人:    cargo tracer
        失物追查者:    tracer
        失物自理:    not responsible for anything lost


  1. "丧失所有权"英文
  2. "丧失体面的"英文
  3. "丧失突变"英文
  4. "丧失稳性"英文
  5. "丧失物业的管有权"英文
  6. "丧失物质形态"英文
  7. "丧失销售"英文
  8. "丧失信心"英文
  9. "丧失信心的工人"英文
  10. "丧失信心或勇气"英文


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