对: answer; reply的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...爱: love永远: always; forever; ever; in pe ...不变: invariant对你的爱永远不变: nothings gonna change my love for you; nothing‘s gonna change my love for you爱永远不变老: a love that will never grow old - emmylou harris我对她的爱永远不死: my love for her will never die我们的爱永远不会消失: there is some love that will not go away爱永远不够: never enough in love永远不变的: eternal生活变得艰难,但是我的爱永远不会被带走: it gets hard but it wont take away my love永远永远不变: never be change; steadiness forever and ever我们的爱永远: our hearts stay ever true爱永远不会嫌晚: it is never too late to fall in love就像爱永远不会停: never ever end of all this love我的爱永远都是你的爱: my love is your love forever如果那是真的,爱永远不会死: so if it’s true, that love will never die有些爱永远不会消逝: there is some love that will not go away但本质永远不变: love is not a matter of counting the days. it's making the days count希望我们的爱永恒不变: hope our love lasts and never dies因为没有什么会永远不变,: cause nothin' lasts forever你应该知道爱永远不会死去: you should know that love will never die我对他的爱 永远不会逝去: my love for her will never die永远不必说出口的爱: this love never has to say love