但: only; just; merely本质: essence nature; innate chara ...永远: always; forever; ever; in pe ...不变: invariant永远不变的: eternal永远永远不变: never be change; steadiness forever and ever爱永远不变老: a love that will never grow old - emmylou harris对的爱永远不变: nothing's gonna change my love for you对你的爱永远不变: nothings gonna change my love for you; nothing‘s gonna change my love for you因为没有什么会永远不变,: cause nothin' lasts forever你是我生命的归属将永远不变: you become the meaning of my life爱永远不够: never enough in love神永远不死: god can never die永远不”的遁词: the two eyes of greece永远不称霸: never seek hegemony永远不会: latter lammas; when hell freezes over永远不会变: never change永远不会老: never grow old永远不落的: never-setting永远不死: immortal永远不晚: never late永远不忘: keethe memorygreen永远不知道: never know但本: tadamoto(但)你永远不能: you can never