对于: to; for; about; with regard ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...情况: circumstances; situation; co ...伴随的情况: concomitant circumstances events etc发生…的情况: become of后来的情况: rest 2获得…的情况下: arm 2极端的情况: extreme case家里的情况: tell me about your family健全的情况: health condition紧要的情况: critical information居住的情况: living arrangement军备的情况: through national production可疑的情况: a nigger in the woodpile了解,知道…的情况: know about了解的情况: pieces of evidence that shows people are not in touch with球场的情况: ground condition缺货的情况: parts shortage四周的情况: atmosphere特殊的情况: extraordinary circumstances相似的情况: similar cases有利的情况: advantageous circumstances在…的情况下: in…situation掌握……的情况: keetrack of someone/something周围的情况: surrounding