在: exist; be living的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...情况: circumstances; situation; co ...下: below; down; under; undernea ...在……听得到的情况下: in the . . . hearing of在…在场的情况下: in the presence of在…情况下: in the event that获得…的情况下: arm 2在没有…的情况下: without在明知…的情况下: in the knowledge that以防万一、在……情况下: in case因素不变的情况下: ceteris paribus在不影响…的情况下: without prejudice to在不影响…的情况下,无损: without prejudice to在默认的情况下: in the absence of在目前的情况下: as the case stands在欺诈的情况下: in cases of fraud在任何的情况下: under no circumstances have i made anyone hold the bag for me在受热的情况下: under heat在无聆讯的情况下: without a hearing在现有的情况下: under existing conditions在这样、那样的情况下: in this/that case在这样的情况下: hac lege在最好的情况下: at best在最坏的情况下: at (the)worst; at worst