审判: bring to trial; try前: front的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...舆论: public opinion令: order; command; decree某人: a certain person得: need不: a block of wood到: 39公平: fair; just; impartial; equit ...审讯: interrogate; try; inquest审判前的: pretrial得到公正的审判: access to justice, to have审判前的证据展示: pretrial discoveryy受到公平审判权: right to a fair trial公正的舆论: fair minded public opinion有卓识的舆论: informed public opinion延期的审讯: adjourned hearing公平的: 29) disinterested; candid; equitable; fair minded; fairly; impartial; indifferent; judicial; level; neutral; u rejudiced; unbiassed; uninterested; unprejudiced得不到: cannot get/cannot obtain; miss在审判前判决: prejudgement; prejudgment这位工程师觉得自己没有受到公平的待遇: he treated the animal cruelly谈判前的闲聊: free talk before negotiating自上而下的舆论: public opinion from top to bottom自下而上的舆论: public opinion from bottom to top