宠物: pet; pet animal侦探: do detective work detective; ...宠物侦探Ⅰ: ace ventura: pet detective美食侦探2: kuitan 2名侦探柯南2: detective conan - kigantou hihou densetsu侦探俱乐部2: famicom tantei club - ushiro ni tatsu shoujo宠物大冒险2: neopets petpet adventures - the wand of wishing sce usa模拟人生2宠物: the sims pets electronic arts asia模拟市民 2 宠物当家: the sims 2 pets模拟市民2:宠物当家: the sims 2: pets选定队友2的宠物: target party pet侦探: 1.(暗中侦察机密) do detective work2.(做侦探工作的人) detective; spy 私家侦探 a private detective; 侦探小说 detective story; 侦探故事 whodunit; 侦探片 detective film 宠物: pet; pet animal 这条小狗是孩子们的宠物。 the small dog was a great pet with the boys 任天堂侦探俱乐部2: famicon tantei club ushiro ni tatsu syojyo爆炸物侦察: explosive ordinance reconnaissance毒物侦检器: poison detector微生物侦检: microbiological detectionc+侦探: the detective大侦探: super sleuth狗侦探: benji间谍;侦探: spy n. a person employed to find out secret information as from an enemy魔侦探: loki (1-5ic)女侦探: det.girl; femme flic傻侦探: false alarm; the bumbling detectives小侦探: a little detective; little detective