Least - squares solution for the inverse problem of real matrices with a submatrix constraint 子阵约束下实矩阵反问题的最小二乘解
By mapping a complex number to 2 2 real matrix , we give the matrix form of schr ? dinger equation 摘要通过映射复数到2 2实矩阵,给出薛定谔方程的实矩阵形式。
Abstract : two necessary and sufficient conditions are concerning a matrix trace inequality obtained . they are extended to complex cases 文摘:主要得到了关于实矩阵迹不等式的两个充要条件,并把所得结果推广到复矩阵情形
This thesis investigates parallel solving the generalized eigenvalue problem ax - bx deeply , and proposes some new algorithms 本文从理论和实验两方面深入研究了分布式环境下实矩阵广义特征值问题ax = bx的并行计算,提出了一些新的算法。
This ph . d . thesis - firstly considers the real asymmetric , real symmetric , bisym - metric , and symmetric and skew antisymmetric matrix extension problems constrained by the matrix inverse problem ax = b . and also considers , in the solution set , of the corresponding matrix extension problems , the optimal approximation solution to a given matrix a * . the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the expressions for the above problems are derived , and the numerical algorithm and examples to solve the problems are also given 首次提出并讨论了矩阵反问题ax = b约束下实矩阵、实对称矩阵、双对称矩阵和对称次反对称矩阵的扩充问题,讨论了在其解集合中与给定矩阵a ~ *的最佳逼近问题,得到了问题的解存在的条件及通式的表示,给出求解问题的数值算法和数值例子。