Positive semi-definite matrices are positive definite if and only if they are nonsingular . 正半定矩阵是正定的,当且仅当它们是非奇异矩阵。
Solutios of inverse problems for d - symmetric nonnegative definite matrices 对称非负定矩阵反问题的解
D . x . xie , l . zhang and x . y . hu , least - square solutions of inverse eigenvalue probem of bisymmetric matrices , math . numer sinica , 1 ( 1999 ) 62 - 72 廖安平,谢冬秀,双对称非负定矩阵一类逆特征值问题的最小二乘解,计算数学, 23 : 2 ( 2001 ) 209 - 218