实现: realize; achieve; bring abou ...社会: society正义: justice社会正义: social justice; sosyal adalet性别与社会正义: sex and social justice实现社会风气的根本好转: bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct关于参与和社会正义问题的专家研讨会: expert workshoon participation and social justice土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民社会正义: aboriginal and torres strait islander美国社会正在该变: american society is changing实现公平和正义: guarantee fairness and justice给予正确导向,弘扬社会正气: to give correct guidance to the public and foster healthy social trends经济及社会理事会正式记录: economic and social council official records正义: 1.(公正的道理) justice 正义之师 an army dedicated to a just cause; 主持正义 uphold justice; 伸张正义 promote justice2.(公正的) just; righteous 正义的立场 a just stand; 正义的事业 a just cause; 正义战争 just war3.(正当的或正确的意义) (of a language or writing) proper [correct] sense; 正义性 sense of justice维护社会公平和正义: to safeguard social fairness and justice实现: realize; achieve; bring about; come true; effectuation; enforce 实现改革 bring about a reform; 实现利润 profit realized; 实现四化 accomplish [realize] the four modernizations; 实现社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct; 实现祖国统一 reunify the motherland; 成功地实现一个目标 successfully achieve an end; 实现平衡预算 achieve a balanced budget; 所有这一切都不是一夜之间可以实现的。 all this cannot be achieved overnight.; 实现语言 implementation language实现党风和社会风气的根本好转: bring about a fundamental improvement in party conduct and in general social conduct实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一: bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection作为社会的一员来实现她的梦想: a member of society to satisfy her dreams大会正式记录: general assembly official records非正义: injustice傅正义: fu zhengyi; zhengyi fu公正,正义: justice谷正义: gu zhengyi拟正义: pseudo-positive sense孙正义: masayoshi son; son masayoshi