

发音:   用"傅正义"造句
  • fu zhengyi
  • zhengyi fu
  • :    assist; instruct; teach appl ...
  • 正义:    justice
  • 傅正和:    fu zhenghe
  • 正义:    1.(公正的道理) justice 正义之师 an army dedicated to a just cause; 主持正义 uphold justice; 伸张正义 promote justice2.(公正的) just; righteous 正义的立场 a just stand; 正义的事业 a just cause; 正义战争 just war3.(正当的或正确的意义) (of a language or writing) proper [correct] sense; 正义性 sense of justice
  • 非正义:    injustice


        :    assist; instruct; teach appl ...
        正义:    justice
        傅正和:    fu zhenghe
        正义:    1.(公正的道理) justice 正义之师 an army dedicated to a just cause; 主持正义 uphold justice; 伸张正义 promote justice2.(公正的) just; righteous 正义的立场 a just stand; 正义的事业 a just cause; 正义战争 just war3.(正当的或正确的意义) (of a language or writing) proper [correct] sense; 正义性 sense of justice
        非正义:    injustice
        公正,正义:    justice
        谷正义:    gu zhengyi
        拟正义:    pseudo-positive sense
        孙正义:    masayoshi son; son masayoshi
        正义,公正:    justice
        正义报:    adala al; adalet; al adala; dad; edalat; giusrizia la; justice la; la giusrizia; la justice; tharma tipat; thumatipat
        正义党:    adalet partisi; justice party; justicialist party; partido justialista; partido justicialista; partido peronista
        正义的:    righteous
        正义感:    sense of justice [righteousness]; sense of what is right 具有正义感 have a sense of justice
        正义宫:    palace of justice
        正义链:    positive-sense strand
        正义论:    a theory of justice
        正义性:    sense of justice
        正义之:    eocene
        安哥拉正义:    commission for justice peace and reconciliation in angola
        报复的正义:    retributive justice
        报复性正义:    retributive justice
        暴力正义:    mob justice
        表面正义:    facial justice
        不正义的:    e5presiv eprzsiv


  1. "傅蕴荟"英文
  2. "傅曾矩"英文
  3. "傅兆先"英文
  4. "傅振辉"英文
  5. "傅正和"英文
  6. "傅之棣"英文
  7. "傅植桂"英文
  8. "傅志高"英文
  9. "傅志海"英文
  10. "傅志伟"英文


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