实报实销: be reimbursed for one's actu ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...办事处: office; agency租金: rent; reprises; rental; char ...津贴: subsidy; allowance; bounty; ...非实报实销的现金津贴: non-accountable cash allowance非实报实销的津贴: non accountable allowance; non-accountable allowance实报实销的津贴: accountable allowance非实报实销的津贴;不须凭单据证明的津贴: non-accountable allowance实报实销的津贴;凭单据证明的津贴: accountable allowance非实报实销: nr non reimbursable实报实销: be reimbursed for one's actual expenses [what one spends]实报实销价格: cost reimbursement price实报实销制度: expenses-based system租金津贴: rent allowance特别租金津贴: special rental allowance租金津贴计划: rent allowance scheme体育组织的办事处: front office总部之外的办事处: office away from headquarters每年拨出的租金津贴: annual contribution to rent外设办事处;总部以外的办事处: outpost; outstation大使馆或领事馆的办事处: office where business is done in an embassy or a consulate工作效率高的办事处: a wellorganized officee我的办事处有个空额: a vacancy has occured in my office我们在伦敦的办事处: our london offices