实报实销: be reimbursed for one's actu ...价格: price; tariff非实报实销: nr non reimbursable实报实销: be reimbursed for one's actual expenses [what one spends]实报实销制度: expenses-based system非实报实销的津贴: non accountable allowance; non-accountable allowance实报实销的津贴: accountable allowance非实报实销的现金津贴: non-accountable cash allowance非实报实销的津贴;不须凭单据证明的津贴: non-accountable allowance实报实销的办事处租金津贴: accountable office rental allowance实报实销的津贴;凭单据证明的津贴: accountable allowance代销价格: price for account竞销价格: cut priceprice cutting倾销价格: der dumpingpreis; dumping price赊销价格: credit price适销价格: marketable price现销价格: cash sale price议销价格: sale at negotiated price购销价格倒挂: the selling prices drop away from the state purchasing prices报实盘: to offer firm事实报: haqiqat; hechos现实报: aktuelt; thaniniram促销价: prix promotionnel; promotion rate供销价: offer for sale净销价: net sales; net selling price