定期: fix a date regular; at regul ...和: mix; blend终身年金: life annuity确定期间终身年金: life income annuity with period certain终身年金: annuity for life; life annuity; perpetuity递延终身年金: deferred life annuinties国家终身年金: government annuity混合终身年金: joint life annuity径付终身年金: immediate life annuity临时终身年金: temporary life annuity终身年金契约: contract of life annuity纯粹终身年金选择: straight life income option夫妻共享终身年金: joint life and last survivor pension全额偿还终身年金: life income with refund annuity终身年金人寿保险: life income annuity万代福终身年金保险: isa定期年金: limited annuity; limited annutiy; regular annuity; term annuity; terminable annuity确定年金, 定期年金: annuity certain定期保险年金: annuity certain定期生存年金: temporary life annuity定期均衡保费年金: periodic level―premium annuity伊斯兰国家妇女扫盲和终身教育国际讨论会: international seminar on literacy and lifelong education for women in islamic countries终身: lifelong; all one's life; whole life long 终身伴侣 lifelong companion; one's spouse; 终身不忘 keep in memory throughout one's life span; 终身事业 one's lifework; 终身徒刑的犯人 life termer; 终身残废 permanent disability; 终身会员 a life member; 终身监禁 life imprisonment; 终身教育 life-long education; permanent education; 终身就业 lifetime employment; life employment; 终身年金 life annuity; 终身人寿保险 whole life insurance; 终身职务 freehold of office年金: annuity◇年金折旧法 annuity method of depreciation定期但到时受益人健在仍继续支付的年金: annuity certain and life