定期: fix a date regular; at regul ...合约: treaty; contract固定: fixed; regular时期: period的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...定期合约: term contract分段合约;定期合约: term contract定期合约;定期工程合约: term contract定期合约承办商: term contractor定期合约承建商: term contractor定期合约承造商: term contractor定期合约承造商;定期合约承办商: term contractor长期合约: long-term contract到期合约: mature liquid contracts近期合约: nearby contracts期货、远期合约: frt. forward前期合约: advanced contract远期合约: contingent forward; derivative; forward contract; fwd forward (exchange) contract; ndf展期合约: extended term agreement缔结的合约: contracts entered into合伙的合约: partnership contract签立……的合约: contract . . . executed无效的合约: void contract长期合约会计: long-term contract accounting多段任期合约: multiple tour agreement