完美: perfect; consummate; flawles ...超完美娇妻: the stepford wives娇妻: thunderclap lovely wife嫁娇妻: get out your handkerchiefs小娇妻: the pampered wife完美: perfect; consummate; flawless 完美的计划 a perfect plan; 完美无疵 perfect; flawless; 完美鸡尾酒 perfect cocktail; 完美晶体 perfect crystal; 完美性 [物理学] perfection 丰乳镇娇妻: the breastford wives复制娇妻: the stepford wives家有娇妻: how to murder your wife浪子娇妻: the broken hearts魔法娇妻: bewitched二八娇妻一岁郎: how a sixteen year old girl married a one year old husband赶回家去见娇妻: to hurry home to his wife狼狈丈夫俏娇妻: embarrassing husband and witty wife拿出你的手绢;嫁娇妻: get out your handkerchiefs屠夫的灵媒娇妻: butcher's wife the呷醋丈夫俏娇妻: unfaithfully yours不完美: defective; imperfect很完美: it's perfect使完美: finish; optimize完美版: dynasty; garfield; god of war完美的: faultiess; full; ideal; immaculate; of perfection; pure完美地: faultlessly; perfectly; to the nines完美数: perfect number完美性: perfection