丰: abundant; plentiful; rich; f ...乳: give birth to镇: garrison post娇妻: thunderclap lovely wife丰乳灵: breast success丰乳妹: xm500; ym-707丰乳霜: breast firming cream嫁娇妻: get out your handkerchiefs小娇妻: the pampered wife超完美娇妻: the stepford wives复制娇妻: the stepford wives家有娇妻: how to murder your wife浪子娇妻: the broken hearts魔法娇妻: bewitched完美娇妻: the stepford wives我的丰乳肥臀: my humps丰乳肥臀女店员: stacked pilot二八娇妻一岁郎: how a sixteen year old girl married a one year old husband赶回家去见娇妻: to hurry home to his wife狼狈丈夫俏娇妻: embarrassing husband and witty wife拿出你的手绢;嫁娇妻: get out your handkerchiefs屠夫的灵媒娇妻: butcher's wife the呷醋丈夫俏娇妻: unfaithfully yours丰润: plump and smooth-skinned丰润保湿洁肤乳: rich results hydrating cleanser丰润公司: vonjun sdn. bhd