An article of headgear since ascertained to belong to the much respected clerk of the crown and peace mr george fottrell and a silk umbrella with gold handle with the engraved initials , coat of arms and house number of the erudite and worshipful chairman of quarter sessions sir frederick falkiner , recorder of dublin , have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the island , respectively , the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant s causeway , the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of holeopen bay near the old head of kinsale 搜查队在本岛的偏僻地区发现了一顶帽子,已查明系属于那位备受尊重的法庭书记乔治弗特里尔640先生还有一把绸面雨伞金柄上镌刻着都柏林市记录法官641博学可敬的季审法院院长弗雷德里克福基纳爵士姓名的首字盾形纹章以及住宅号码。也就是说,前者位于巨人堤道642第三玄武岩埂上后者埋在古老的金塞尔海岬643附近霍尔奥彭湾的沙滩深达一英尺三英寸的地方。
季: season审: careful法院: law court原审法院, 初审法院: court of original jurisdiction初审法院: a court of first instance; court of primary jurisdiction and proceedings; court of the first instance; district c; original court大审法院: tribunal de grande instance第二审法院: court of second instance第一审法院: court of first instance二审法院: court of second instance复核审法院: court of review及初审法院: county or municipal court届审法院: court of sessions一审法院: court of first instance再审法院: court of retrial终审法院: court of final a eal; court of final instance; court of final resort; court of final trial; court of last resort; courtoffinala eal; judge of the court of final appeal; supreme courtg of errors主审法院: court of trial主审法院;主审法庭: court of trial地方初审法院: district court联邦初审法院: commonwealth trial court刑事预审法院: criminal instruction court终审法院法官: judge court of final appeal; judge, court of final appeal审判法院,初审法院: trail court复审法庭, 上诉法院: court of review季生: suenari; sueo季申: tishin季生玉: ji shengyu