字面: literal翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...照字面翻译: translate literally书面翻译: translator双面翻译: the interpreter字面对字面的翻译: word-for-word translation字面: 1.(文字表面上的意义) literal 字面上的意思 literal meaning; 照字面翻译 translate literally; 字面上兜圈子 involved phraseology; festoons of words2.[印刷] face; typeface球面翻: u spherical cycloid三面翻: smart铅字面: typeface字面率: type face proportion字面值: literal value; literals翻译: 1.(把一种语言译成另一种语言) translate; interpret; put ... into ...; turn ... into ...; transcribe; render 翻译电码 decode; decipher; 请你帮我翻译一下好吗? would you mind translating for me?2.(译员) translator; interpreter3.translation; interpratation 把桨面翻平: feather道面翻桨: bleed顶面翻光面: table facet路面翻修: pavement recapping铺面翻修: pavement rehabilitation全面翻耕: complete cultivation; overall ploughing全面翻修: complete overhaul胎面翻新: recapping; treading; tyre soles process页面翻转: page turn中肯三面翻: f-b2按原文字面: both parties shall have the right to cancel the contract按照字面: literally