胎: foetus; embryo面: face翻新: make over; renovate; retrofi ...翻新胎面: recap胎面花纹翻新: regrooving of worn tyre轮胎着地面翻新: top capping另一个方面翻新买电脑应考虑的是: another aspect of buying a refurbished computer that should be considered is this翻新: 1.(把旧的东西拆了重做) make over; renovate; retrofit; retread; revamp; recondition; renovation; face-lifting 翻新车胎 retread a tyre; 翻新一所房屋 renovate a house; 旧大衣可以翻新。 old overcoats can be reconditioned.2.(从旧的变化出新的) (the new) emerge out of the old 花样翻新 (the same old thing) in a new guise; innovations in style; playing new trick胎面: fetal surface; tire tread; wheel tread球面翻: u spherical cycloid三面翻: smart顶翻新: camelback retreading翻新;整修: renovate翻新的: and mattresses from small companies that may be selling refurbished翻新机: retractor machine翻新件: at翻新器: retreader翻新制: retreader否翻新: d908i肩翻新: full capping; full treading全翻新: factory remold; factory remould; remanufacturing把桨面翻平: feather道面翻桨: bleed顶面翻光面: table facet路面翻修: pavement recapping