天: sky; heaven一连好几天: for days on end离…还有好几天: in a few days' time好几天的怪问题: fatal disk error retry我会好几天不正常: hdrama你可以把我抛下好几天: and you can leave me there for days几天: after a few days/ years; several days= a few days好几: quite a few; several这肉放在外边已有好几天了都开始有臭味了: the meat had been left out for days and had started to smell过几天: in a couple of days几天后: in a few days’ time = in a few days =a few days later几天来: for the past few days几天内: a couple days几天前: a few days ago; a few days earlier; the othe day; the other day前几天: the other day好几百: hundreds of好几次: itym好几个: quite a few; quiteafewalittle; several好几回: a good many times好几年: several years好几万: tens of thousands几天以前;前几天: the other day但几天后: he began to feel uncomfortable逗遛几天: stop over for a few days多住几天啊: this sister you go ah ah more and shelter