大概: general idea; broad outline能: ability; capability; skill听懂: understand; take的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...三言两语: in two words or three; in a ...三言两语: in two words or three; in a few words; in one or two words; with just a few words 这可以用三言两语概括起来。 it can be summed up in two words这个问题千头万绪三言两语说不清楚: this problem is too complicated to be explained in a few words这可以用三言两语概括起来: it can be summed up in two words你能听懂我说的吗: do you understand me入手如果能听懂: special english我能听懂你的话: i can follow you我想老美是能听懂: you do the calculation懂的: wise大概: 1.(大致内容或情况) general idea; broad outline 只知道个大概 have only a general idea2.(大约) general; rough; approximate 大概的估计 a rough estimate; 大概的数字 an approximate figure; 大概的分析 a general analysis3.(可能) probably; most likely; presumably 我下个月大概还要来这儿。 i shall very likely be here again next month五馆三言堂: e6-b105寓言两则: two fables大概,大概地: a rox a roximate; a roximately; approx approximate; approximately不懂的: rusty难懂的: cramped; deep; delightful; difficult; elliptical - palpable; elusive; illegible; mirky易懂的: plain能听度: audibility; aural detectability会说两语言的: bilingual让别人听懂: make oneself understood/ heard听懂音乐: have an ear for music大概, 想必: the probability is that