多项式: multinomial; polymerization; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...容: hold; contain度: surmise; estimate多项式的,多项式: polynomial多项式的: order polynomial多项式的差: difference of polynomial多项式的阶: order of a polynomial; order of polynomial多项式的权: weight of polynomial非多项式的: nonpolynomial多项式的表示: representation of polynomial多项式的乘法: multiplication of polynomial多项式的次数: degree of a polynomial; degree of polynomial多项式的拟合: fitting of a polynomial多项式的因子: factor of a polynomial多项式的判别式: discriminant of a polynomial多项式的齐次部分: homogeneous parts of a polynomial点集的容度: content of a point set多项式: multinomial; polymerization; polynome; polynomial; polynomial expression◇多项式逼近 approximation by polynomial; 多项式表示 polynomial representation; 多项式插值 polynomial interopolation; 多项式插值函数 polynomial interpolating function; 多项式次数 degree of polynomial; 多项式定理 multinomial theorem; 多项式复杂性polynomial complexity; 多项式函数 polynomial function; 多项式解 solution by polynomials; 多项式决策规则 polynomial dicision rule; 多项式系数 multinomial coefficient; 多项式形式 polynomial form; 多项式展开 polynomial expansion多项式多项的: multinomialn次多项式: polynomial of degree n; polynomial of n th degree伴随多项式: associated polynomial本原多项式: primitive polynomial标准多项式: standard polynomial病态多项式: ill-conditioned polynomial