In this paper , it s applications were explained from seven different fields , the common zeros of two polynomials , the multiplicities of roots and the discrimination of a polynomial , searching the equations suitable for a algebraic number , implicating a rational curve over the plane , computing the zeros of a nonlinear algebraic equation and gathering the discrimination surface of the sas in automated theorem proving on inequalities 本文从7个方面阐述了结式的应用,包括判断2个多项式的公共零点,判定多项式是否有重根,计算多项式的判别式,寻找代数数满足的方程,平面有理曲线的隐式化,非线性代数方程组求解和不等式机器证明中半代数系统边界曲面的获得等。
多项式: multinomial; polymerization; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...判别式: discriminant; criterion域的判别式: discriminant of a field判别式的值: discriminant value单环的判别式: discriminant of a simple ring多项式的,多项式: polynomial代数方程的判别式: discriminant of an algebraic equation多项式的: order polynomial多项式的差: difference of polynomial多项式的阶: order of a polynomial; order of polynomial多项式的权: weight of polynomial非多项式的: nonpolynomial多项式的表示: representation of polynomial多项式的乘法: multiplication of polynomial多项式的次数: degree of a polynomial; degree of polynomial多项式的拟合: fitting of a polynomial多项式的容度: content of a polynomial多项式的因子: factor of a polynomial多项式判别函数: polynomial discriminant function多项式的齐次部分: homogeneous parts of a polynomial衡准判别式: criterion formula基本判别式: fundamental discriminant判别式部分: discriminant part判别式常数: discriminant constant