

发音:   用"多元利益"造句
  • diversified interest
  • 多元:    multielement; polybasic; mul ...
  • 利益:    interest; gain; benefit; pro ...
  • 元利:    ganri; mototoshi; yuan=li needle
  • 元利行:    pioneers industrial corp
  • 元利针:    yuan-li needle; yuan-lineedle


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. On multi - interests of distance education in rural areas
  2. However , the government is also a special principal part of the multi - part of interest midwiferied by the market economy
  3. The process of china ' s economic development is marked by the formation of the multi - benefit entity that leads to the transformation of the government function
  4. One evident example lie in that in middle age the profit of many interest aggregative could reasonable cognize in christian belief pattern


        多元:    multielement; polybasic; mul ...
        利益:    interest; gain; benefit; pro ...
        元利:    ganri; mototoshi; yuan=li needle
        元利行:    pioneers industrial corp
        元利针:    yuan-li needle; yuan-lineedle
        多元:    multielement; polybasic; multivariant◇多元程序 multiprogramming; 多元处理机 multiprocessor; 多元分析 multivariate analysis
        关于保护多元国家利益的莫斯科宣言:    moscow declaration on the protection of the interests of pluralistic states
        利益:    interest; gain; benefit; profit 利益均沾 share equal profit; 使人民群众得到利益 benefit the masses of the people; 为大多数人谋利益 work for the interests of the vast majority of people; 利益关系人 party interested; 利益集团 interest group; 利益所有人 beneficial owner; 利益协调 harmony of interests; 利益责任单位 profit responsibility unit
        山下元利:    yamashita ganri
        短期美元利率:    short-term dollar interest rates
        港元利率期货:    hong kong dollar interest rate futures
        欧洲美元利率:    eurodollar rate
        亚洲美元利率:    asian dollar rate
        港元利率期货迭期:    hibor futures strip
        港元利率期货叠期:    hibor futures strip
        多元醇:    behnyl alcohol; polyalcohol; polyatomic alcohol; polybasic alcohol; polyhydric alcohol; polylol; polyol; polyvalent alcohol
        多元的:    complex; multicomponent; multifactor; multiple unit; multipleunit; multiplex; polyatomic; polybasic; polynary; polyphyletic
        多元酚:    polyatomic phenol; polyhydric phenol; polyphenol
        多元管:    multiple-unit tube; multiunit tube
        多元化:    diersification; diversification; diversify; diversity; pluralism
        多元环:    algebra over a field
        多元碱:    polyacidic base
        多元件:    majority organ
        多元梁:    multi element beam
        多元流:    multiphase flow


  1. "多元控制"英文
  2. "多元控制器"英文
  3. "多元冷却器"英文
  4. "多元离散分布"英文
  5. "多元离子系"英文
  6. "多元立法体制"英文
  7. "多元梁"英文
  8. "多元流"英文
  9. "多元伦敦银行间放款利率"英文
  10. "多元论"英文


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