Our brain waves however , produce only 8hz . therefore , the body is exposed to up to 20 times higher frequency patterns than it is generally used to 因此我们便暴露于正常的十多倍的高频率层面上,这样的结果就形成个人的神经质、失眠和缺乏集中力。
Young people , and old people , alike . when you and i stand before jesus and give an account of what we did with the talents that he gave us , and we have multiplied them and returned them to him . he will 年轻人听我说,老年人听我说,当我们要站在耶稣面前,为我们如何运用?给我们的才干向?交账,当我们以多倍的归还给? , ?不会说:做得好,