The lord answered him , ‘ no : if anyone kills cain , cain shall be avenged sevenfold 天主回答他说: “不,如果有人杀死该隐,他就会遭到七倍的报应。 ”
Depart early in the morning . drive along the great salt lake basin . the salinity of water here is seven times greater than that of the ocean 早餐后,专车沿著较海水盐分高出七倍的大盐湖北上,一路上但见辽阔的草原驰骋的牛羊。
Morning , drive along the great salt lake and arrive to bingham canyon copper mine for a video presentation of mining operation 清晨即起,专车沿着较海水盐份高出七倍的大盐湖南下,抵达全世界最大的露天铜矿场? ?宝汉铜矿,参观探矿情形及精彩影片的介绍。
In tests with the sun 1 . 4 . 2 jvm , the performance of the gzip test run was much worse than shown in these results , taking about seven times longer for the output handling 如果用sun 1 . 4 . 2 jvm测试, gzip测试运行的性能要比这里的结果差很多,输出处理要多花大约七倍的时间。
Bagrations hungry and exhausted detachment alone was to cover the movements of the transport and of the whole army , by remaining stationary in face of an enemy eight times stronger numerically 唯独巴格拉季翁的疲惫而饥馑的部队为掩护辎重和全军行进而在兵力强于七倍的敌人面前岸然不动地设营。