外: outside; external side抱: carry in breast; hold with b ...腿: leg抱腿: crotch hold外抱闸: external contracting brake抱腿摔: crotch lift; double arm hip thorw; double arm hip throw; tackle; to a leg lift内抱腿: inside crotch外抱制动器: external brake抱腿技术: drop-step techninque抱腿式绊摔: leg trip抱腿转移: leg dive; leg grab; leg pick-up; leg snap握臂抱腿提: pick-up arm and leg hold; pick-up by arm and leg hold外抱斜削门或窗: bonnet beaded door or window抱腿过胸转移: near leg-lift with step through and twist侧抱腿过胸摔: elevate leg and dump侧面抱腿控制: crade control-ing pinch; cradle contro-hooking free leg; cradle control-lifting on the free leg倒滑抱腿截球: sliding tackle跪撑圈臂抱腿: near arm and near thigh内抱腿侧面骑: cross crotch and waist hold; inside crotch ride; lace ride; navy ride with waist; oklahoma双膝跪抱腿摔: double knee外侧托肘抱腿: elbow pass-by握腕抱腿转动: outside crotch-hold and near wrist-lock抱腿钩绊异名腿: leg-hold and back heel抱腿钩与各腿摔: dingle-leg-hold and inside legtrip侧面抱腿和颈愁翻: reverse cradle