The lower paleozoic continent marginal sedimentary strata in the north kunlun massif are sinian - cambrian alajiaoyi group and ordovician pishigaisayi formation . the former is composed of high maturity flysch deposit , the later consist of continental shelf deposit such as carbonate and slate and sandstone . these rocks implies that they might form at passive continental margin 与其曼于特蛇绿岩相关的早古生代边缘沉积岩在昆北地块上为震旦?寒武系阿拉叫依岩群、奥陶系皮什盖萨依岩组,前者为一套成熟度较高的陆源碎屑复理石沉积,后者为碳酸盐岩和含碳板岩砂岩等陆棚沉积,显示其具被动陆缘性质。