In this governance , a special kind of relatively constant and compound relationship appears between the grass - roots governments and the country society , which we call as grass - roots governments - country society relationship structure 在行使公共权力时,基层政权会与乡村社会相作用而生成一种较为稳定的复合关系形态,可称之为基层政权与乡村社会的关系结构。
In the system of universe , knowledge and topology , set neighborhood and approximate neighborhood , the deep notions , are presented . the combination of rough sets and topology is researched , and the deep connection of them is achieved 在论域、知识分类、拓扑三者组成的系统中,提出了集合邻域、近似邻域等更深刻的概念,研究了粗糙集与拓扑的复合关系,得出了两者间的深刻联系。
The division of regional structural systems in the study area , the timing and distribution range of the ductile shearing zone and the metamorphic core complex , and their compounding were made by the author in the light of results of the synthetic study on geology in deep , geophysical prospecting , and interpretation of remote sensing image 结合深部地质、物探和遥感解译资料,划分了辽东巫闾山地区构造体系和构造带归属、韧性剪切带与变质核杂岩的时代、范围分区及其复合关系。
In section 4 , knowledge sets , and knowledge equivalent relation sets and knowledge class sets are defined respectively on knowledge , equivalent relation and class parts . the connection of union - intersection lattice and fine lattice of them is researched , and the combination of rough sets and lattice is achieved 第4节,在知识、等价关系和分类三个层面上定义了知识集、知识等价关系集、知识分类集,研究了其上的并交格和精细格的性质和相互关系,得出了粗糙集与格的复合关系。