On the second visit , i ' ll make a record of your “ bite ” ( jaw relations ) using wax forms like this one 第二次复诊,我要用蜡记录您的咬合关系,就像这个一样。
Methods : by means of occlusal adjustment and filling deferent type of materials in to prepared cavity 方法:采用调整咬合关系,患牙制洞后以不同补料充填的办法进行。
Results all 11 patients with mandibular micronathia obtained the improved occlusion with their mandibular expected elongation , for instance , their open - bite and teeth displacement were partially corrected 结果收治11例小颌畸形患者,在获得预期下颌骨延长的同时,开(牙合) 、牙齿错位等畸形程度明显减轻,患者的咬合关系改善。
Occlusal therapy and occlusal adjustment as the only treatment modality is rarely defendable ; however , incombination with other forms of therapy , occlusal adjustment can contribute to a positive treatment outcome in selected cases 把合治疗与调合作为仅有的治疗模式已经是过去了,然而与其他方式的治疗相结合时,咬合关系的调整在具体病例的治疗中起到了积极的辅助作用。