墙上: on the wall挂: hang; put up; suspend着: wear; dress一幅画: a picture; a painting空旷的大厅里挂着一幅幅画像: portraits hung in empty halls墙上挂着的矛: weapons天上挂着一轮明月: a bright moon hung in the sky. ring off把一幅画挂在墙上: hang a picture on the wall常春藤上挂着的一幅油画: a painting hangs on an ivy wall ..........一幅画: a picture她的脖子上挂着一颗钻石鸡心: she wore a diamond heart around her neck无名的墙上挂着没有边框的头像: frameless heads on nameless walls无名的墙上挂着无框的头像: frameless heads on nameless walls无名的墙上挂着无相框的头: frameless heads on nameless walls它的上方挂着一幅拉斐尔的油画: above it there is an oil painting by rapheal单帧, 一幅画面: single frame就像一幅画: comme une image; look at me看似一幅画: into a picture you’ll find the town脸象一幅画: a face from a painting这家副食店在墙上端端正正挂着一张服务公约: there hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge生活是一幅画: life is a work of art一幅画的修复: the restoration of a picture他们脸上挂着假笑: fake smiles and stupid lies城堡上的一幅画: a picture from the fortress wall; the sunbeam and the captive委托画家画一幅画: commission an artist to paint a picture