填写: fill in; write临时: at the time when sth. happen ...代替: replace; substitite for; tak ...填充,填写,临时代替: fill in临时代替者: a stand-in临时代替的人: stopgap代替,填写: fill in临时代表: hoc representative临时代表团: casual delegation临时代款: bridging loan临时代理: locum临时代理, 代理: substitute ad interim临时代理人: acting agent; stopgap临时代用品: makeshift常用一般时代替: if unless once in case as long as on condition that临时代表会议: exraordinary congress; extraordinary congress填写: fill in; write 填写表格 fill in a form充当临时代理人: step into the breach临时代表, 特别代表: ad hoc representative临时代人照看房子: house-sit临时代人照看孩子: b. baby-sit临时代用无灯浮标: temporary replaced by unlighted buoy用查询方法代替临时变量: replace temwith query代替: replace; substitite for; take the place of 他代替他哥哥当守门员。 he replaced his brother as goalkeeper. 有时, 玻璃砖被用来代替普通的砖。 glass blocks are sometimes substituted for ordinary bricks. 在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。 in semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.; 代替法 method of substitution; 代替方式 substitute mode; 代替物 sub; 代替效应 substitution effects代理的临时的作用的行为代理(临时代理职务: acting