临时: at the time when sth. happen ...代替: replace; substitite for; tak ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...代替的人: replacement代替的人或物: replacement临时代替者: a stand-in填写,临时代替: fill in填充,填写,临时代替: fill in代替的: fungible; substituted被代替的: superseded; supplanted; supsd不能代替的: irreplaceable可代替的: fungible; replaceable; substitutable取代的;代替的: substituted被代替的,废弃的: superseded可代替的货物: fungible freight冒名顶替的人: impostor临时代表: hoc representative临时代表团: casual delegation临时代款: bridging loan临时代理: locum临时代理, 代理: substitute ad interim临时代理人: acting agent; stopgap临时代用品: makeshift不能替换的,不能代替的: irreplaceable a