塞: fill in; stuff入: enter比: 2码速调整比(塞入比): justification ratio (stuffing ratio)塞入: choking; cram; fill in; intrude引入比: lead-in ratio闭塞入: incoming blocked零塞入: zero stuffing塞入;填入: to cram people into a railroad car塞入;压入: forcing塞入门: plug door产出, 投入比率: output-input ratio储蓄-收入比: saving-income ratio吸入比速度: suction specific speed现金收入比: ratio of cash to income堵塞入支路: access driveway负脉冲塞入: negative pulse stuffing螺栓的塞入: gewindeeinsatz heli-coil heli-coil insert脉冲塞入: pulse stuffing勉强塞入, 填满: cram into塞入门导轮: door guide wheel塞入伤口的: tent塞入式接头: plug in coupling塞入原肠胚: embolic gastrula数字塞入: digital stuffing