塞: fill in; stuff入: enter伤口: vulnus; wound的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...填入伤口的纱布: dossil穿入伤口: wound of entry; wound-of-entry把管子插入伤口: introduce a tube into a wound将塞条填入伤口: tent伤口的缝合: suture of the wound伤口的性质: nature of wound bed吸出伤口的毒: suck poison out of a wound止住伤口的血: stop a wound离伤口的最远距离: max distance from wound; max, distance from wound撕开伤口的几率: chance of open wounds塞入: choking; cram; fill in; intrude伤口: vulnus (pl. vulneva); wound 缝合伤口 stitch up a wound; 蛇咬的伤口 a snake bite; 流血的伤口 bleeding wound; 伤口化脓了。 the wound gathered [suppurated]. 伤口长皮了。 the wound skinned over. 这伤口仍在流浓。 the wound is still discharging pus. 我手指上的伤口已经好了。 the cut in my finger has healed.; 伤口愈合 wound healing口的: buccal; oralis; oris; oscular; stomatic闭塞入: incoming blocked零塞入: zero stuffing塞入;填入: to cram people into a railroad car塞入;压入: forcing塞入比: stuffing ratio塞入门: plug door堵塞入支路: access driveway负脉冲塞入: negative pulse stuffing