Travelers in mountain regions will be familiar with the accumulations of scree which occur at the base of steep slopes . 山区中的旅行者对出现在陡坡坡底处的碎石堆是相当熟悉的。
Telltale deposits of debris suggest that sediments were washed downhill by occasional liquid flows 证据是一些碎片的沉积物被偶然流过的水冲到了坡底。
" they have fingerlike branches at the downhill end , and [ the deposits ] easily diverted around small obstacles . “在坡底它们有着手指状的分支,而且这些沉积物能很容易得绕开小的障碍物。 ”
It decreased with the increase of the gradient . the soil moisture in sunlit slope is greater than that in sunless slope , and changes as the following order in the slope : top < middle < lower 在坡面,随着坡度的增加,土壤含水量逐渐降低;阴坡的土壤含水量高于阳坡;而在同一坡度和坡向,土壤含水量从坡底向坡顶递减。
The model of vertical eco - landscape was designed according to the slope and contour line : in the top land over 25 , trees were planted to form a water - conserving forest ; in the slope land between 15 and 25 , peach trees were planted ; between 5 and 15 , loquats trees were planted ; less than 5 , special species of fruit trees , melons and vegetables were planted ; the bottom field was characterized with water area of " rice and fish " , " lotus and fish " 其垂直生态景观模式按坡度和等高线布置:在坡度大于25的山坡顶形成水保林木区,坡上15 25的陡坡种植桃树,坡中5 15的斜坡种植枇杷,坡下小于5的缓坡地带种植特种水果、瓜类及蔬菜,坡底形成“稻鱼”和“藕鱼”特色水域区。
坡: slope底: bottom; base坡底岩: base circle大陆坡坡底: base of the continental slope坡底护坦: toe apron坡底破坏: base failure of slope坡脚 大陆坡底: baseofslope斜坡底脚: sloped footing在坡底建房: settlement at the toe滑坡底面高程: base of slide坡底柔性接缝: flexible facing joint大陆坡坡底坡度变动最大之点: point of maximum change in the gradient at the base of the continental slope坡堤卫汉庙: wat photivihan jambu坡德林耶: podrinje坡道型式: ramp type坡道斜度: ramangle坡地: hillside fields; sloping fields; land on the slopes 坡地梯田化 terracing of the land on the slopes; 坡地篱笆 drop fence; 坡地栽培 hillculture坡道式汽车库: ramgarage