在: exist; be living坡: slope底: bottom; base坡底: base of slope底建网: bottom set-net; bottom fixed set-net底建秀: di jianxiu坡底岩: base circle新建房: new construction大陆坡坡底: base of the continental slope坡底护坦: toe apron坡底破坏: base failure of slope坡脚 大陆坡底: baseofslope斜坡底脚: sloped footing滑坡底面高程: base of slide坡底柔性接缝: flexible facing joint互助建房: house raising; mutirao积水建房: sekisui house集资建房: raise funds for the construction of house建房补贴: su idizedhousing; subsidized housing建房互汁会: building society || building societies建房互助组: mutirao建房协会: building society扩建房屋: enlarge a house修建房屋: to raise a house有男可建房: no man can call again yesterday