国际: international; between natio ...营养: nutrition; nourishment; pabu ...标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...食品: foodstuff; food; provisions; ...法典: code; statute book食品法典委员会: codex alimentarius; codex committee on food食品用化学品法典委员会: food chemicals codex committee联合食物标准计划食品法典委员会: codex alimentarius commission营养法典委员会: codex alimentarius commission食品法典(规范)委员会: cac codex alimentarius commission食品兽药残留法典委员会: codex committee on residues of veterinary drugs in food食品标准委员会: food standard committee国际标准委员会: international standards association国际镭标准委员会: icrs; international commission on radium standards; international radium standard commission; irsc国际营养学协会委员会: icda; international committee of dietetic associations农药残余量标准法典委员会: codex committee on pesticide residues; codexcommitteeonpesticideresidues国际评估标准委员会: international valuation standards committee国际血液学标准委员会: international council for standardization in haematology国际资产估价标准委员会: international assets valuation standards committee研究和改革民法典委员会: commission for the study and reform of the civil code波兰标准委员会: polski komiter normalizacyjny德国标准委员会: deutsche normenausschuss服务标准委员会: service standard committee工程标准委员会: engineering standard committee