

[ shípǐn ] 发音:   "食品"的汉语解释   用"食品"造句
  • foodstuff; food; provisions; viands; pabulum; eatable: vivers; toke; fare;sito- 短语和例子
  • sundae (食品):    圣代
  • 代食品:    food substitutes
  • 副食品:    non-staple food; non-staple foodstuffs 商店里有种类繁多的副食品可供选购。 they sell quite a wide choice of food at the shop. 这个城市副食品供应很充足。 there is a good supply of non-staple foodstuffs in this city.; 副食品加工厂 non-staple food processing factory; 副食品商店 grocery; grocer's; 副食品价格补贴 price subsidy for non-staple food; state subsidies for price rises in non-staple foodstuffs; a subsidy to offset the increased prices of nonstaple foodstuffs
  • 粮食,食品:    foodstuffs (l04)
  • 肉食品:    meat cutter; meat ware


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Could they supply food for the guerrillas ?
  2. This adulteration of food must be stopped .
  3. It certainly preserves food longer .
  4. She runs a thriving grocery business .
  5. The grocer calls on the kirks every friday .


        sundae (食品):    圣代
        代食品:    food substitutes
        副食品:    non-staple food; non-staple foodstuffs 商店里有种类繁多的副食品可供选购。 they sell quite a wide choice of food at the shop. 这个城市副食品供应很充足。 there is a good supply of non-staple foodstuffs in this city.; 副食品加工厂 non-staple food processing factory; 副食品商店 grocery; grocer's; 副食品价格补贴 price subsidy for non-staple food; state subsidies for price rises in non-staple foodstuffs; a subsidy to offset the increased prices of nonstaple foodstuffs
        粮食,食品:    foodstuffs (l04)
        肉食品:    meat cutter; meat ware
        色食品:    healthy diet
        湿食品:    wet provision
        食品, 粮食:    foodstuff
        食品,粮食。:    foodstuff
        食品;碗橱:    cupboard
        食品泵:    food(stuffs) pump; foodpump; pumfor edible fluids; pump for edible fluids; umfor edible fluids
        食品部:    food shop; please cherish thecultural relics
        食品厂:    bakery and confectionery; bakeryandconfectionery; food products factory; foodstuffs factory; kraft foods
        食品车:    food cart
        食品橱:    meat safe
        食品袋:    tucker-bag
        食品的:    alimentary; edible; nutritive; pabular
        食品点:    food store
        食品店:    carnegie deli; corner grocery; food store; grocer's; pancake pantry
        食品法:    food act; food law; lmbg
        食品柜:    ambry; food locker; galley dre er; galley dresser; larder
        食品坏:    machinery for food industry
        食品级:    fda; food grade
        食品夹:    hs11-07
        食皮甲虫:    dermestidae
        食品0色添加剂:    color food additive


        食品的法语:名 denrées;aliments;provisions;produits(ou : denrées)alimentaires罐头~conserve. denrée alimentaire produits alimentaires
        食品的日语:食料品.食品.食べ物. 袋装 dàizhuāng食品/袋入りの食品.
        食品的韩语:[명사] 식품. 罐头食品; 통조림 식품 食品公司; 식품 회사 食品商店; 식품점
        食品的俄语:[shípǐn] продукты (питания); пищевые продукты 罐头食品 [guàntou shípǐn] — консервированные продукты 食品店 [shípǐndiàn] — продовольственный магазин 食品工业 [shípǐn gōngyè] — пищевая промышленность
        食品的阿拉伯语:أغذية; أُكْل; أکل; المواد الغذائية; تصنيف:أغذية; طعام; طَعَام; غِذاء; قُوْت; مأكل; مادّة مُغذِّية; مَأْكَل; مَأْكُولَات;
        食品的印尼文:bahan makanan yang terpilih; bahan-bahan makanan; gizi; makan; makanan; nutrisi; pangan; perbekalan; santapan; zat makanan;
        食品什么意思:shípǐn 商店出售的经过加工制作的食品:~罐头│~公司。


  1. "食疟"英文
  2. "食呕"英文
  3. "食呕,下膈"英文
  4. "食泡"英文
  5. "食皮甲虫"英文
  6. "食品, 粮食"英文
  7. "食品0色添加剂"英文
  8. "食品、药品和化妆品法令"英文
  9. "食品、药品市场专项整治"英文
  10. "食品、药物及化妆品"英文


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