国际法: international law; the law o ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...首要: of the first importance; fir ...地位: position; standing; place; s ...国内法的首要地位: primary of national law首要地位, 傲慢: pride of place占首要地位的,主要的: predominant首要地: first and foremost国际法的编纂: codification国际法的渊源: sources of international law国际法的起码准则: elementary requirements of international law国际法的通用原则: common principles of international law首先, 首要地: beyond all首先,首要地: beyond all首要地,首先: first and foremost国际罪行, 违反国际法的罪行: international crime联合国对国际法的讲授: advisory committee on the united nations居次要地位: play second fiddle占重要地位: occupy an important position占主要地位: dominate重要地位: importance; status首要的地位: pride of place; principalship处于次要地位: play second fiddle处于显要地位: stinto the picture处于重要地位: on the front burner