国际法: international law; the law o ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...渊源: origin; source法的渊源: source of law文明的渊源: origin of civilization国际法的编纂: codification国际法的起码准则: elementary requirements of international law国际法的首要地位: primary of international law国际法的通用原则: common principles of international law复活节习俗的渊源: origins of easter traditional国际罪行, 违反国际法的罪行: international crime联合国对国际法的讲授: advisory committee on the united nations法的历史渊源: historical origin of law法的形式渊源: formal source of law国际法: civil embargo; law of nations; ll.m. in international law; public international law刑法的基本渊源: basic sources论宪法部门与国际法的关系: on the relation between the constitution department and the international law国际私法渊源: sources of private international law英语典故与希腊神话的渊源: english allusions and origin of greece fairy tales国际法庭国际法院: international court of justice联合国国际法的逐渐发展和编纂问题座谈会: united nations colloquium on progressive development and codification of international law渊源: origin; source 渊源极深 be closely connected; 历史渊源 historical origins; 文明的渊源 origin of civilization; 由于年代久远, 其渊源已无法考证。 it has an origin lost in the mists of antiquity〔法语〕 国际法。: droit des gens按国际法: jure gentium传播国际法: dissemination of international law