国家: country; state; nation防汛: flood control总指挥: commander in chief general d ...郭: the outer wall of a city办公室: office国家防汛总指挥部: state flood control headquarters国家防汛抗旱总指挥部: state flood control and drought relief headquarters指挥部办公室: junior college cadet corps junior academic cadet command总指挥: 1.(指军队的) commander in chief2.(其它方面的) general director◇总指挥部 general headquarters国家森林防火总指挥部: state forest fire prevention headquarters防汛指挥部: flood control headquarters国家计划办公室: national planning office国家勘察办公室: nro national reconnaissance office国家旅游办公室: national tourism office国家审计办公室: nao; national audit office国家侦察办公室: national reconnaissance office工程总指挥: chief commander of china's lunar orbiter project; chief commander of china’s lunar orbiter project灭火总指挥: fire boss扑火总指挥: fire boss前敌总指挥: frontline commander in chief总指挥部: general headquarters总指挥官: general officer commanding国家防总: sfcdrh国家毒品管制政策办公室: office of national drug control policy国家妇女方案协调办公室: coordination office of the national programme for women