Summary reports of national headquarters on inspection of flood control and drought relief 国家防总防汛抗旱检查汇总报告
The office said the management of the reservoirs urgently needs to be improved and called for safety inspections of reservoirs to be completed before the rainy season and for emergency plans to be put in place 国家防总说,水库管理亟需得到改进,并要求在雨季来临之前完成水库的各项安全检查,各项应急计划也必须落实到位。
国家: country; state; nation防: provide against; defend agai ...总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...国家防范机制: national preventive mechanism国家防火协会: nfpa国家防汛总指挥部: state flood control headquarters为国家防火协会: iiicpscc国家防卫计算机中心: ngcc national guard computer center国家防汛抗旱总指挥部: state flood control and drought relief headquarters国家防汛总指挥郭办公室: state flood prevention general command office国家防灾研究中心(日本): nrcdnational research centre for disaster prevention国家防止暴力委员会: comision nacional de prevencion de la violencia intrafamiliar亚洲太平洋国家防务会议: asia pacific defense conference中部非洲国家防务委员会: defence commission for the central african countries发展中国家防洪救灾指导方针: guidelines for flood loss prevention and management in developing countries国家防爆电气产品质量监督: cqst国家防爆电气产品质量监督检验中心: cqst国家防火建筑材料质量监督检验中心: china natitestin; nftc消防总管: fire main pipe; fire main system; main fire circuit高压消防总管: high pressure fire service main国防总参谋长: chief of the national defense general staff空军海防总队。: coastal command乾消防总喉管: dry fire main消防总管布置: arrangement of fire main直立消防总管: rising fire main