园: an area of land for growing ...韧带: anadesma; ligament; ligament ...病: illness; sickness; disease; ...损: decrease; lose切除: excision; resection; absciss ...术: art; skill; technique阔韧带病损切除术: excision of lesion of broad ligament关节韧带病损切除术: excision of lesion of ligament of joint子宫韧带病损切除术: excision of lesion of uterine ligament子宫骶骨韧带病损切除术: excision of lesion of uterosacral ligament声带病损切除术: excision of lesion of vocal cord园韧带切除术: excision of round ligament; resection of round ligament唇病损切除术: excision of lesion of lip肺病损切除术: excision of lesion of lung肌病损切除术: excision of lesion of muscle口病损切除术: excision of lesion of mouth眉病损切除术: excision of lesion of eyebrow舌病损切除术: excision of lesion of tongue肾病损切除术: excision of lesion of kidney胃病损切除术: excision of lesion of stomach咽病损切除术: excision of lesion of pharynx胰病损切除术: excision of lesion of pancreas膈病损切除术: excision of lesion of diaphragm睑病损切除术: excision of lesion of eyeliddouglas窝病损切除术: excision of lesion of pouch of douglas