园: an area of land for growing ...韧带: anadesma; ligament; ligament ...切除: excision; resection; absciss ...术: art; skill; technique韧带切除术: syndesmectomy阔韧带切除术: excision of broad ligament; resection of broad ligament园韧带病损切除术: excision of lesion of round ligament关节韧带切除术: excision of ligament of joint镰状韧带切除术: excision of falciform ligament胃结肠韧带切除术: excision of gastrocolic ligament子宫韧带切除术: excision of uterine ligament; resection of uterine ligament园韧带水囊肿切除术: excision of hydrocele of round ligament; hydrocelectomy of round ligament子宫骶骨韧带切除术: excision of uterosacral ligament声带切除术: chordectomy; cordectomy; cordotomy of vocal cord索带切除术: cordectomy系带切除术: frenectomy咽带切除术: excision of pharyngeal bands唇系带切除术: excision of labial frenulum; resection of labial frenum肩胛带切除术: shoulder girdle resection舌系带切除术: excision of lingual frenum喉室声带切除术: ventriculocordectomy声带索带切除术: cordectomy of vocal cord粘膜下声带切除术: submucous chordectomy; submucous cordectomy园韧带手术: operation on round ligament园韧带折术: plication of round ligament