团结: -批评-团结 unity-criticism-unity友: friend报: report; declare; announce地方之友报: gram bandu工人之友报: friends of workers青年之友报: friend of youth人民之友报: janamitra; lokamitra世界之友报: sansar mitra; vishwamitra中华之友报: friend of china the; friend of china, the祖国之友报: faedrelandsvennen; swadesamitra团结之剑: sword of unity团结之声: suara persatuan团结之声报: suara persatuan泰米尔之友报: tamil nesan特里尔人民之友报: der trierische volksfreund; trierische volksfreund der; trierischer volksfreund图尔高人民之友报: thurgauer volksfreund友人和金矿之友报: friend and goldfilds friend the; friend and goldfilds friend, the东瑞士莱茵河流域人民之友报: die ostschweig-rheintaler volksfreud; ostschweig rheintaler volksfreud die; ostschweig-rheintaler volksfreud die之友: friend-of-the-court; phf; swiss cigar knife朋友报: hamdard团结: unite; rally 发扬团结战斗的精神 carry forward the spirit of solidarity and militancy; 团结奋斗 concerted struggle; make concerted efforts; 团结绝大多数 unite the great majority; 团结一切可以团结的力量 unite with all forces that can be united; 团结 -批评-团结 unity-criticism-unity冰结之风: cicy wind冰结之河: frozen river缠结之网: elaine cunningham starlight and shadows tangled webs冻结之箭: freezing arrow