东: east瑞士: Switzerland流域: watershed; basin; drainage a ...人民: the people友: friend报: report; declare; announce人民之友报: janamitra; lokamitra特里尔人民之友报: der trierische volksfreund; trierische volksfreund der; trierischer volksfreund图尔高人民之友报: thurgauer volksfreund中上游莱茵河流域: upper middle rhine valley人民之友: amigo del pueblo el; demophile; die volksgenoot; el amigo del pueblo; jana mitra; people's friend; praja bandhu; puen prachachon; volksgenoot die; volksgenoot, die国际莱茵河流域自来水厂联合会: iawr; international study groufor waterworks in the rhine catchment area; international study group for waterworks in the rhine catchment area莱茵河发源于瑞士: the river rhine rises in switzerland人民之友戈绍报: volksfeund/gossauer zeitung der莱茵河: rhein r; rijn; rmd rhine-main-danube navigation system地方之友报: gram bandu工人之友报: friends of workers青年之友报: friend of youth世界之友报: sansar mitra; vishwamitra团结之友报: saha mitre中华之友报: friend of china the; friend of china, the祖国之友报: faedrelandsvennen; swadesamitra东瑞士报: die ostschweiz; ostschweiz die; ostschweiz, die东瑞士日报: ostschweiz tagblatt东瑞士新闻: ostschweizer az