

  • revive
  • 回升:    rise again; pick up
  • 复苏:    come back to life; resuscita ...
  • 复苏;回升;回本:    recovery
  • 回升:    rise again (after a fall); pick up 气温回升。 the temperature has gone up again. 指数回升。 the index is picking up
  • 复苏:    1.(苏醒) come back to life [consciousness]; resuscitate 成功地使那些几乎淹死的人复苏 successfully resuscitate those who have been nearly drowned; successfully resuscitate those drowning persons2.(经济萧条后生产逐渐恢复) recovery 经济复苏 economic recovery3.resuscitation; resurgency; palinesthesia; anabiosis; 复苏器 resuscitator; 复苏室 anti-shock room; resuscitating room; 复苏术 resuscitation; 复苏现象 anabiosis


        回升:    rise again; pick up
        复苏:    come back to life; resuscita ...
        复苏;回升;回本:    recovery
        回升:    rise again (after a fall); pick up 气温回升。 the temperature has gone up again. 指数回升。 the index is picking up
        复苏:    1.(苏醒) come back to life [consciousness]; resuscitate 成功地使那些几乎淹死的人复苏 successfully resuscitate those who have been nearly drowned; successfully resuscitate those drowning persons2.(经济萧条后生产逐渐恢复) recovery 经济复苏 economic recovery3.resuscitation; resurgency; palinesthesia; anabiosis; 复苏器 resuscitator; 复苏室 anti-shock room; resuscitating room; 复苏术 resuscitation; 复苏现象 anabiosis
        回升;反弹:    rebound
        回升;转强:    firm up
        回升点:    springing point
        上升;回升:    upswing
        见底回升;停泻回升:    bottom out
        虫害回升:    resurgence of pests
        出生率回升:    upturn in the birth rate
        得到回升:    get it uagain
        跌后回升:    rally
        短期回升:    a brief rally
        回升水位:    back up water level; backup water level
        技术性回升:    technical rally
        价格回升:    price rally; price upswing; rebound in prices; recovery of price; reprise ( n. f. ) des prix
        见底回升:    bottom out
        经济回升:    business upswing; business uptrend; business upturn; economic pick-up; economic upturn
        景气回升:    recovery in business activity
        开始回升:    bottom out
        平稳回升:    steady recovery
        普遍回升:    broad-based recovery
        气温回升:    the temperature has gone up again


  1. "回生术人工维持呼吸和心跳"英文
  2. "回生图腾"英文
  3. "回生制动"英文
  4. "回升"英文
  5. "回升;反弹"英文
  6. "回升;转强"英文
  7. "回升点"英文
  8. "回升水位"英文
  9. "回绳"英文
  10. "回绳法"英文


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