

  • coffee plantation products


        咖啡:    coffee; café
        种植:    plant; grow; raise; cultivat ...
        产品:    product; produce; fabric; ta ...
        咖啡种植园:    coffee plantation
        种植产品出口:    plant product export
        种植产品进口:    plant product impors
        咖啡种植园工人:    o lavrador de cafe
        咖啡种植者协会:    fnc
        全国咖啡种植者联合会:    national federation of coffee growers
        全国咖啡种植者协会:    national federation of coffee growers
        种植产品,可食用的,有机的:    plantation products, edible, organic
        古巴东南第一座咖啡种植园考古风景区:    archaeological landscape of the first coffee plantations in the south-east of cuba
        可可咖啡种植更新和发展公司:    renovation et le developpement de la cacaoyere et de la cafeiere societe pour la; renovation et le developpement de la cacaoyere et de la cafeiere, societe pour la; srcc
        无荫蔽种植的咖啡:    sun grown coffee
        咖啡相关产品:    coffee:other
        种植:    plant; grow; raise; cultivate 树种植在岸上。 the trees are planted on the banks. 这个地区种植香蕉。 the area is under banana cultivation.; 种植机具 sowing and planting machinery; 种植计划 planting scheme; 种植犁 deep plough; 种植面积 cultivated area; 种植期[季节] planting season; 种植业 farm production; crop and plant cultivation; crop cultivation; 种植园 plantation; haciendo; [巴西] fazenda; finca; 种植园主 plantation owner; planter
        古巴东南部的咖啡最初种植地遗址:    archaeological landscape of the first coffee plantations in the southeast of cuba
        咖啡:    coffee; café: 清咖啡 black coffee; 浓咖啡 strong coffee; 牛奶咖啡 white coffee; coffee with milk; 速溶咖啡 instant coffee; 煮咖啡 make coffee; 咖啡约会 coffee date; 把咖啡冲得稍浓一些 make the coffee a little stronger; 你咖啡中要不要加糖? do you take sugar in your coffee?◇咖啡醇 caffeol; 咖啡豆 coffee bean; 咖啡馆[厅] cafe; coffee house; coffee shop; 咖啡果实 coffee drupe; 咖啡壶 coffee pot; 咖啡碱 caffeine; caffeinum; 咖啡色 coffee (colour); 咖啡酸 [有机化学] caffeic acid; 3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid; 咖啡盐 caffeate; 咖啡因 caffeine; guaranine; psoraline; caffeinum; 咖啡中毒 caffeinism; 咖啡种植园 cafetal
        产品:    product; produce; fabric; tailorism 工业产品 industrial products; 农产品 farm produce; 畜产品 livestock products; 土特产品 native produce; 名优产品 brand-name, high-quality products; 产品按质分等 grade products according to quality; 有多少种产品是由尼龙制造的? how many products are made from nylon? 这家工厂现正试制一种新产品。 the factory is now trying to manufacture a new model.; 产品包装 the packing of products; 产品保险 manufactuerer's output insurance; 产品保证 warranty for goods purchased; 产品标准 product standard; 产品标准化 standardization of products; 产品差别 differentiation of product; 产品成本 cost of goods manufactured; 产品储备 products-supply; 产品定型 type approval; 产品对路 goods suited to popular tastes; 产品返销 product buy back; 产品管理 management of product; 产品广告 primary advertising; 产品规格 product standard;product specification; 产品号码 identification symbol; 产品积压 stockpiling; stockpiled goods; stockpiling of goods; 产品检验 examination and test of products; 产品鉴定 product identification; 产品目录 list of products; catalog; product summary; 产品设计 [设计] product design; 产品升级换代 upgrading and updating of products;develop new generation of products; 产品说明 description of products; 产品销售 production marketing; 产品销售成本 cost of goods sold; 产品性能 properties of products; 产品质量 product quality; 产品质量检验 production quality test
        根绝 - 种植:    deracinate - plant
        植树,种植:    planting
        植物,种植:    plant
        种植,桑树:    mulberry trees
        种植参:    cultivated ginseng
        种植槽:    terracing seatwall/planter


  1. "咖啡渣状呕吐物"英文
  2. "咖啡珍珠"英文
  3. "咖啡中毒"英文
  4. "咖啡中毒;咖啡滥饮"英文
  5. "咖啡中途站"英文
  6. "咖啡种植园"英文
  7. "咖啡种植园工人"英文
  8. "咖啡种植者协会"英文
  9. "咖啡桌"英文
  10. "咖啡桌〔放在沙发前的小桌或茶几〕。"英文


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